Sunday, August 24, 2014

615#Ai no Kotoba ~ 1st MARA Global Village @ UniKL BMI

Cuti sem before masuk Sem 3 dah start but here I am, still kat kampus. Tak boleh balik rumah sebab nak kena prepare for new students intake (T__T)

Dari 22nd till 23rd August, Hana berkampung di UniKL BMI, Gombak for the first ever MARA Global Village in collaboration between MARA and UniKL. 12 UniKL campuses and all MRSM attended the Global Village. Each campus and MRSM represented each country exists in the world. Well, boleh kata setiap booth for each campus and MRSM akan pamerkan budaya untuk setiap negara ;)

And we, UniKL MESTECH got Jordan. Tak pasal pasal belajar pasal Jordan :p

 Each exhibitor got one diplomatic passport, konon betul betul pergi travel all around the world

Pada 22nd, around 8:30 PM kitorang ada language class for two hours. Ada French, Korean, Japan, Russia, Arabic, Spanish etc. Hana masuk French class. Best gila! Madam Norhayati pandai sangat tarik students yang zero pasal French. Tak memasal belajar basic French. Nak introduce diri sendiri dan basic greetings pun dah tahu dah :p Haha.

 Our booth, 80% completed in deco

On 23rd, we bought this. Every visitor too. Harga RM2. Tapi duit hasil jualan Global Village Passport ni akan disumbangkan sebagai dana untuk Gaza. Every visitor and exhibitor yang pergi melawat setiap booth akan dapat setiap cop 'negara' yang dikunjungi. 

Ada makanan yang berasal dari setiap negara, boleh cuba pakaian tradisional (yukata Jepun and hanbok Korea pun ada!) Setiap jualan di setiap 'negara' menggunakan dinar MARA. Dinar MARA boleh ditukar di kaunter Tourism Malaysia yang menjual passport ni di pintu masuk dewan. 

 Our mascot for National Costume Contest

Sepanjang Global Village berlangsung, banyak sangat performances yang best best! Ada tarian tradisional Malaysia, Flamingo dance from Spain, Aikido martial arts from Japan, nyanyian French songs oleh UniKL MFI, demo memasak oleh Chef Jo Masterchef, demo memasak Spanish cuisine dll.

Paling best masa National Costume Contest. Hana paling suka kostum from Egypt (diorang gayakan pakaian Firaun and the Queen), South Korea, Japan, Mexico and UK. 

Contoh cop setiap negara yang Hana dapatkan. Memang fe-feeling melancong ke seluruh dunia :p

Hi! I'm the exhibitor of Jordan. Kononnya :p

Serius cakap MARA Global Village ni best. Harap harap tahun depan boleh join lagi. If not as the exhibitor, as the traveler, perhaps? 

Till then.


  1. tahniah :3

    lama sgt laa shi tak mampir kat blog akak XDD

  2. perghh bestnye kak nak gak bljr bhse French..hhehe

  3. Ohh. patutlah tgok member upload gambar dekat fb pakai kimono. Comeellnyaa. :3


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