Monday, September 8, 2014

620#Ai no Kotoba ~ The Start of Semester 3

The start of something new.

Something new lah sangat. Kononnya.

From library. From my shelf.

Six subjects. 18 credit hours.
Moga dapat survive sem yang lebih tough daripada the previous ones. Hope myself won't ever give my hopes up. 

He won't help us unless we help ourselves first.

Usaha dahulu baru tawakal. Jangan lebihkan tawakal padahal usaha seciput aje. Macam mana Dia nak tolong kalau kita sendiri tak rajin nak tolong diri sendiri?

Insya-Allah. Boleh buat.

Till then.


  1. sama la kita hana... 18 credit hours.. huhu...

  2. seronoknya study..huhu..rindu betul zaman belajar.. apa2 pun selamat maju jaya ya hana.. :)


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