Monday, December 15, 2014

629#Ai no Kotoba ~ [Book Review] Amelia Grey's Fireside Dreams

I'm updating this the seconds I've finished this book!

Dahhh lama cari buku ni. Thank you Captain Wolf for keeping this book safe for me ;) Alhamdulillah jumpa kat BBW tahun ni. Agak meroyan bila nampak buku ni ada dalam website BBW. Apa lagi, grab terus!

Jatuh cinta dengan cover buku ni since I saw it months ago on a website. And the story! About a cottage! My fave!

I love to own myself an English cottage. It's such a bliss.

Rating: 5/5

Amelia has a dream: toasting chestnuts by the fire with her husband Jack in their own cosy cottage. Their real life is another world - a cramped one-bedroom flat in Hackney. But when life takes a surprising turn, removal vans are soon heading to the Kent countryside.

They soon realise the cottage makeover is a far bigger project than they'd anticipated. On top of that, there's Amelia's newly loved-up mum and her tearaway half-sister, Mirabel, to contend with - pushing Amelia and Jack's marriage to breaking point.

Amelia begins to strip back the wallpaper and fittings in the cottage and discovers the story of the cottage's previous owner - and a hidden secret. As Amelia's ideas about love and family change, will her fireside dream finally come true?

Actually sinopsis buku ni agak misleading. Ingatkan ibu Amelia dan Mirabel tu macam jahat nak hancurkan rumah tangga dia dan Jack, rupanya tak. Ibu Amelia is a good mom and Mirabel is a free-spirited girl.

I love the idea of cottage makeover. I've read about department store makeover, wedding shoes store opening, a little bakery at a beach, and a traditional sweet shop. This is my first time reading a story about a cottage makeover - and the very first time reading Abby Clements' book.

I love this book. Bahasa yang mudah untuk difahami, boleh bayangkan bagaimana susah payah si Amelia nak jadikan cottage yang dah lama tu jadi seperti cottage idaman dia. And the garden, I could picture one in my head. A garden with a stream.

And I love Jack, Amelia's husband ;) such a good and kind-at-heart one walaupun sejak pindah ke cottage baru tu rumah tangga mereka ada krisis. I salute him for trying to keep things straight, tak tergesa-gesa buat keputusan yang boleh menambahkan lagi krisis mereka.

Till then.


  1. really? akak pun baca sinopsis ingatkan mak ngn adik dia jd penyebabnya. konflik dia pasal apa je?

  2. @Zizie Zack konflik pasal nak renovate rumah tu :)

  3. Bestnye suka baca novel ni nis novel melayu pun tak pernah habis

  4. kita pun jauth cinta dgn cover dia..hahah.kadang2 beli buku sebab cover menarik perhatian. bila baca menyesal. tp tak semua macam itu lah.

    novel english kita mmg susah nak khatam hana..hehe..rating full! best la tu novel ni ya.

  5. comelnya cover buku tu. rating 5 stars? hehehe. memang best la buku nie kan. :D nanti cari n pinjam kat library kalau ada.. :)


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