Have you ever feel something heavy on your chest, like its hard to breath when you are thinking about the people whom you care about? Tak kisahlah siapa pun. Our parents, siblings, friends, loved ones etc. It's so hard to hold back our tears just because we don't want them worry about us. Its such a mutual feelings. We don't want them to worry about us. So do they. They also don't want us to worry about them.
Sesak dada tahan diri daripada menangis bila tahu mereka ada masalah. We don't want them to see the tears of us. If they see us crying because of them, they will be worried. If they will be worried, they will feel uneasy. Rasa bersalah. Rasa bersalah sebab mereka dah buat kita sedih disebabkan oleh masalah mereka.
To care is to live. Tak salah untuk kita saling menyayangi. Manusia diciptakan bersama perasaan. Allah sudah cipta kita dengan cukup sempurna, lengkap dengan perasaan. Belas kasihan, kasih sayang, prihatin dll. But, sometimes, people are much more mean that animals. They are much more 'animals' than animals themselves. You know what I mean.
Allah SWT sayangkan semua hamba-Nya. Rasulullah SAW juga sayangkan umatnya sehingga apa yang diingati oleh baginda sebelum wafat adalah kita. Apa yang disebut oleh baginda ialah 'umatku, umatku, umatku.' Baginda risaukan umatnya, tambahan lagi umat akhir zaman.
Care for people. It will make you happy. Rasa disayangi dan menyayangi tu boleh membuatkan kita bahagia. Don't you ever disrespect people if you don't wanna be alone. Tak ada siapa yang suka orang yang tak respect kita kan? Respect their ideas, respect their thoughts as long as they don't insult others. If they disrespect you, just smile because they are acted as foolish people.
Care for your loved ones. Parents, siblings, relatives or even strangers.
btul tu..huhu..
ReplyDeletepnjg berjela jg awk punye nasihat..eh nasiht kew??hehee..gurw..
@profmie panjang ke? rasa mcm entry ni agak pendek drpd entri sblum2 ni :) hee