Tomorrow, the first war for FIST UniKL begins. Err.. maksudnya final exam untuk Sem 1 lah. There are five subjects including Chemistry, English, Bio, Maths and Islamic Studies. Satu hari satu subjek. Quite okay for me I think. Hee. Sesuai untuk orang yang nak kejar study last minute macam Hana ni. Adik, adik, jangan tiru perangai Kak Hana ni -__-. Tak elok. Erghh...
Already took a look for my carry marks. Alhamdulillah. Insya-Allah, boleh jawab exam dengan baik esok. Pada yang baik hati tu, sudi-sudikanlah doakan Hana dan kawan-kawan ya? Hee :D *muka tak malu*. Our semester leave begins on 28th September till 3rd November 2012. Yahooo! Cuti!Cuti! Sebulan lebih duduk kat rumah. Bestnya X)
Sebenarnya, macam tak percaya aje dah nak habis Sem 1. I never expect my life for this year is turning great! I love to be here but I can't wait to start my degree program in UniKL MESTECH next year. Amin. Insya-Allah, semuanya akan dipermudahkan. Just work for it. He will grant us with His blessings. Just have the faith ;)
Okay, till my final exam ends. See you again. Wassalam.
study SMART ... DON'T study hard... you must change how your study. it is not same as you study for your spm 2011... change it n you will be get excellent result :)
study SMART ... DON'T study hard... you must change how your study. it is not same as you study for your spm 2011... change it n you will be get excellent result :)
ReplyDeletegdluck dear. chayok3. haha. cuti ni mesti selalu update blog kan.
ReplyDeletegdluck dear. chayok3. haha. cuti ni mesti selalu update blog kan.