Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan! Dah ramai bloggers ucap dalam blog so Hana tak nak ketinggalan. Tengok jam, dah dekat pukul 10.30 malam. Mama tengah baca novel kat tepi. He he. Tak apalah, teruskan niat nak update blog. Actually, this is my 300th post! I wanna dedicate my 300th post in my comel blog *ehem,ehem* to all the girls outside, but the most important thing is, this is also a special entry to me myself *ehem,ehem*.
Okey, stop dengan ehem,ehem yang banyak kat atas tu.
I'm not yet eighteen. 19 Ogos ni baru dapat pegang umur 18 tahun secara official. Rasa macam sekejap je hidup kat dunia ni. Tup, tup, I'm going eighteen this coming August. Yayy! Finally I will get my freedom! Being eighteen is a key to achieve freedom! Freedom kepala Batu Caves hang! Being freedom doesn't mean you can do whatever you want. Going to parties with friends, lepak sampai ayam berkokok time Subuh baru nak balik rumah, sesuka hati tapak kaki je nak pergi ke mana. If you do think so, it's no. NO!
For me, being eighteen will bring the meaning that we gonna have more responsibilities than when we're underage. Heaven yeah! Masa macam ni lah kita kena makin fikirkan masa depan kita. Plan your future, work for it and insya-Allah, Allah will helps you. Allah tidak membantu hamba-Nya yang tidak berusaha. And I know that my usaha is still not enough. I have to work harder if I wanna have a bright future. I have to kick out my laziness 1000km/h if I wanna grad with 4 flat. Such a bliss.
Cik Hana dah melalut daripada topik.
Okey, okey, minta maaf. Kat atas tu mukadimah je. Sincerely, I do dedicate this post to all the girls out side. Tak kiralah blogger atau silent readers or else. Girls, we will become a lady soon. No matter how long it takes, but we will become a lady, a woman soon. I love to use the term of 'a lady' than 'a woman'. Well, lady sounds so.. soft and grace :). Sebab banyak terpengaruh dengan historical romance novels yang melibatkan banyak Lady, Countess and Duchess kot X).
We should act as a lady. Yang feminin, lemah lembut dan sopan. But, it doesn't mean that you can't be hoo haa with your family and friends. Hana pun bukan jenis lembut jugak. Ada kasarnya. When the time comes, you have to behave well, especially when you are in your work circle, being surrounded by lelaki ajnabi, lelaki yang haram melihat semua aurat kita. Do respect others and they will respect you too. It's not a crime if you wanna hoo haa with your friends. Please make sure it is only just you and your girl friends. Then, it's more than okay if you wanna being gila-gila and hoo haa with them XD
But, the most important is, be a good Muslimah. Bukan sekadar Islam atas IC sahaja. Dalam al Quran sudah tercatat, bila sampai usia baligh, tutuplah semua auratmu dan pertontonkan hanya pada yang halal. It's not that hard. If you think it is so hard to cover your aurah, then it will become hard to you.
We are so dare to say " Tak sampai seru lagi. Bila sampai seru, aku tutuplah.", tapi cuba fikirkan adakah kita berani nak berkata begitu depan Allah di Padang Mahsyar kelak? Don't be too drastic, perubahan tidak boleh dilakukan dengan drastic or you will feel burden doing all these things. Perubahan boleh dilakukan secara berperingkat-peringkat. Slow and steady ;)
And please, please, please don't be such a cheap girl. Hana suka ayat Cikgu Jalwati, guru PJK kat kolej Hana, she loves to say this lots of times. " Please, jaga diri anda. Save for the last one." Cikgu Jalwati always reminds us about this. Save for the last one. And if you could, save yourself for the last and only one ;) . Don't let any boy touch you hands or treat you like a cheap girl. If he really loves you, he won't do that. He will wait because he knows, if he loves you because of Allah and Islam, he has to treat you like a Muslimah.
So girls, please plan your future wisely. Don't let a fake and short joy becomes the obstacle to achieve your dreams. Create your own fairy tale, your own happy ending. Make yourself worth to be proud of :)
yeahhhhh 18++ tak bermakna freedom dari segi yg cik hana duk ckp tu yg balik subuh lah pelahh . kalau yg still mcm tuh lg makpak dorang tak spatutnye lg bg kbebasan sbb masih tak boleh nak mnilai bnde scara matang ! hehe . bagoss hana nii .. slamat menuju ke hari tua :)
yeahhhhh 18++ tak bermakna freedom dari segi yg cik hana duk ckp tu yg balik subuh lah pelahh . kalau yg still mcm tuh lg makpak dorang tak spatutnye lg bg kbebasan sbb masih tak boleh nak mnilai bnde scara matang ! hehe . bagoss hana nii .. slamat menuju ke hari tua :)
ReplyDeletehehehee setuju sgt
hahaha.. walaupun saya dah 18tahun.. tapi rasa diri ni macam budak kecik.. hehe, rasa nak duduk bawah ketiak ibu je.. ngee~
ReplyDeletenice reminder,sis :)