Sejak zaman sekolah rendah sampailah habis sekolah menengah, tengok anime memang jadi priority aku. Cakap ajelah anime mana yang rasa cambest, semua aku layan. And I had been finished watching Maid-Sama Season 1, Yumeiro Patissiere (both seasons), Kuroshitsuji (both seasons) and etc and currently I re-watching The Prince of Tennis. Kakkoi ne! *warning! Jangan ambil Fuji Syuusuke. Ryoma & the else tak apa :p
Fuji Syuusuke-kun! *tengok dia sambil senyum lebar macam orang angau
Sebab aku ni anime freak, no wonder lah memang minat sangat-sangat-sangat-sangat dengan Nihongo ni. What is Nihongo? Nihon means Japanese, -go means bahasa. Time pendaftaran nak masuk Form 1 kat Maher, diriku ini perasan adalah Japanese dalam list bahasa yang akan diajar. Masa orientation, Ria Sensei (our former Japansese teacher before she went to US with her family) adakan exam for those who wanna join Japanese Class. Japanese Class hanya ada satu aje, kalau Arabic ada dua. Before hari exam tu, Ria Sensei dah kasi awal-awal soalan untuk kitorang. We just need to find the answers & memorise them.
Alhamdulillah, I got perfect score and I managed to enter the Japanese Class. Sebab Japanese Class hanya ada satu sahaja, sejak kitorang Form 1 sampai Form 3, kekal dalam kelas yang sama. Asyik menghadap muka sama aje dalam masa tiga tahun tu *sesiapa yg terasa, jangan marah ;p. Pepun, being Razian 07-09 was the best moment back then!
Ria Sensei was a strict teacher back then. Kalau main-main, memang cari nahaslah. Tapi, ada masa gak kitorang gelak, gurau sama-sama with our sensei. We enjoyed learning Nihongo so very much with her *rindu sensei :'(. Then, when we were in Form 3, Ria Sensei had to fly to Colorado, US because her husband, who was also a Japanese Teacher, pursued for PhD.
We got Pert Sensei as our new sensei. Pert Sensei was so nice with us. We enjoyed learning Nihongo so much even though Ria Sensei had left us for her responsibility. Ria Sensei said she will be back to Malaysia for good during this June. I hope I can meet her :).
p/s: I think I should learning Japanese again & again. I'm still remembered the alphabets for Hiragana & Katakana but Kanji is sangat susah! Setakat ni aku hanya ingat bentuk kanji tu aje, nak tulis ikut strok still payah lagi. No worries, practices make perfects! *mana aku letak buku teks Jepun ni???
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